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We're Glad You Here

Welcome to the start of your health and fitness journey.  

I am Dave Magliano, a certified Medical and Corrective Exercise Specialist.  I started my career in the United States Air Force as a Physical Medicine Specialist as well as an Emergency Combat Medic.  

After retiring from the military in 2005, I continued my career as a physical therapist assistant, working in hospitals, sports medicine facilities and nursing homes.  

My clinical background affords me a unique prospective on health and fitness as well as chronic pain.

Your journey to feeling better, stronger and more energetic starts with a thorough musculoskeletal assessment.  We'll look at joint symmetry, over all strength, pain issues affecting gait and function as well as mobility.   Then we'll build a program specific to your needs.  

Please fill out our appointment form below to get started.  I'm looking forward to helping you get where you want to be.

One More Thing...

I am a sole proprietor, so I need to schedule appointments individually.  Once you fill out our form, I will get back with you shortly with available dates and times.


Fitness & Muscuoloskeletal Asssessment

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